
What Vegetables Can And Can’t Be Planted Together In The Same Container?

1st Jun 2022

If you have been gardening for a while, you may already know about companion planting and the benefits this can bring you. You may even have discovered this through trial and error over the years. When certain vegetables, herbs, or flowers are planted together, they thrive. Yet when others are planted in the same container, this can cause problems.

In this article, we share with you more about container gardening vegetables as well as which ones should and shouldn’t go together!

Understanding the Benefits of Companion Planting

Companion planting allows you to lay out your vegetables in a more efficient manner. When two or more vegetables share the same container, this can help to deter pests, increase yield and provide better resistance against diseases. Conversely, when two ill-fitting vegetables are planted in the same container, this can result in stunted growth and a decreased yield, which you don’t want!

Which Vegetables Go Well Together?

Below, we share with you a quick guide on the types of vegetables that go well together:

  • Vegetables in the cabbage family, including kale and broccoli, go well with potatoes, onions, beets, dills, and lettuce.
  • Planting corn with melons, cucumber, squash, beans, and peas is a good idea, but avoid planting corn with tomatoes.
  • Peas should not be planted with garlic and onion but go well with carrots, corn, beans, and squash.
  • Tomatoes can be planted alongside celery, carrot, cucumber, peppers, and onions, but try to avoid corn, kohlrabi, and potatoes.
  • Beans and pepper go well with eggplant.
  • Squash can be planted with pumpkins, corns, and/or melons in the same container.

Companion Planting with Flowers and Herbs

Besides other vegetables, did you know that you can also plant your vegetables in the same container as flowers and herbs? For instance, oregano and marigolds are both great choices for deterring pests. Garlic and chives are excellent for keeping aphids away, and thyme will ensure that cabbage worms keep well at bay.

You may even choose to plant herbs throughout your vegetable garden – as herbs add flavor to your favorite dishes, this means that you will have a complete harvest for your dinner table at the end of the day! Not only can you enjoy a bountiful harvest and increased yield, you can also benefit from a container garden that’s pleasing to the eye!

Start Your Container Vegetable Garden with Seeds and Planters from DIY Tools

Looking to get started on container gardening vegetables? If so, you can get all the plant pots and accessories you need from our online shop at DIY Tools. Unsure what type of vegetables to grow, or would like to try your hand at several? Pick up our bestselling set of 43 heirloom vegetable garden seeds and get experimenting today! You are always welcome to contact us should you require any clarifications about our products, and we will be in touch with you timely.