
What You Need To Know About Growing Parsley

1st Jun 2022

Although growing parsley from seeds may not be difficult, it does require lots of patience. As an extremely hardy herb, you can expect your parsleys to survive even the harshest temperatures! In this guide, we share with you everything you need to know about growing parsley.

Understanding the Basic Facts About Parsley

Parsley is a biennial herb, which means it will bolt in the second year. Because it is relatively low-maintenance once established, you can expect to have your parsleys for at least two years. From large-leaf to curly-leaf parsley, not only do they make a wonderful garnish for your soups and salads, but they can also serve as ornamental plants in your garden.

Knowing When to Plant Parsley

Parsley seeds are small and lightweight. In addition, they are oval-shaped and have vertical lines running through them. You can grow your parsley seeds directly in your garden or start them indoors. If you live in an area with a cold climate, sowing them indoors can give them time to mature before transplanting them to your garden. Those who live in warmer climates will find that growing parsley directly in your garden is a good choice!

Planting Parsley Seeds

As parsley seeds tend to be slow to sprout, you can follow some best practices to speed up the process and ensure that they germinate properly:

  • If you can spare the time, soaking your parsley seeds in water for 12 to 24 hours before sowing them can help in speeding up germination.
  • Parsley seeds should only be sowed about ¼” under the soil due to their small size. You can achieve this depth by covering the seeds with soil and pressing them down lightly.
  • Sowing your parsley seeds indoors? Get a plastic lid to cover each tray – this will ensure that the soil stays as moist as possible. You will also want to consider getting a plant light to be hung 1 to 2 inches above your parsley seeds. This should be turned on 14 to 16 hours a day!

Germination of Parsley

The typical germination time for parsley seeds is between 14 to 28 days, so you will need to be patient! The first two leaves that sprout after germination are also known as seed leaves, and they have an oval-shaped, rounded appearance. About a week after the seed leaves have sprouted, true leaves will start to appear. These are the tiny baby parsley leaves you will see.

Purchase Your Parsley Seeds from DIY Tools

If you are looking to add parsley to the variety of herbs you grow in your vegetable garden, DIY Tools has got just what you need. You can find parsley in our set of 43 heirloom vegetable garden seeds alongside many other herbs and vegetables such as zucchini, beets, corns, and peas. We welcome you to contact us if you have any questions about our vegetable seeds or would like a recommendation!