
5 Types Of Vegetables To Grow In Your Backyard

18th Jan 2023

Fresh vegetables are never better than when they're harvested straight from your own garden. Plant easy-to-grow vegetables that will provide you with a reliable harvest of tasty produce to make the most of your backyard space. Your plate will be brimming with fresh seasonal flavors and hues thanks to this assortment of edible plants. Read on to learn about the best 5 vegetables to grow at home!

Heirloom Tomatoes

A large, juicy heirloom tomato that you just picked from your garden will always be superior to anything you might find in a store. In comparison to mass-produced tomatoes, heirloom varieties may have irregular shapes and thinner skin. As a result, heirlooms don't ship as well and may be difficult to locate in your produce section. Grow these excellent yet delicate tomatoes yourself to provide yourself with a steady supply.

Cucumber Seeds

A couple of cucumber plants can easily produce enough for your family. Cucumbers are among the best vegetables to grow in your garden, since you might even have some extras to share with friends and neighbors. Cucumber vines are vigorous and simple to grow; they can be trained onto a strong trellis or allowed to sprawl throughout the garden. Include some cucumber seeds on your next shopping trip for vegetable seeds!


Garlic is a culinary essential as well as a powerhouse of flavor and health, so it makes sense to plant it in your garden. This space-efficient, bulbous plant is simple to grow. The tasty blooming stems known as garlic scapes, which appear before the heads of garlic are ready to be harvested, are another bonus you'll get for producing your own garlic. These green stems can be used to flavor pesto or elevate egg dishes because they have a milder garlic flavor.


If you had to choose only one herb to grow in your backyard garden, it should be basil. It is one of the simplest herbs to produce and goes extremely well with tomatoes. Salads, soups, and simple sauces are transformed into gourmet fare by the aromatic leaves of basil. They also come in countless varieties, such as lemon basil and Thai basil, that offer a wide range of flavors, from lemony to peppery with a hint of anise. It is also a lovely plant to have in the edible landscape of your garden because of its pretty, textured leaves.


While spinach might be included in a mesclun mix, it is also worthwhile to cultivate spinach on its own. This cool-season crop grows quickly and has a wide range of applications, both raw and cooked. Spinach can be used as a tidy little hedge to enclose a patch of spring vegetables or as ribbons planted through perennial borders. Growing spinach from seed in the early spring is simple. In warmer weather, the plants will bloom (turn into flowers and produce seeds instead of leaves), but you can still sow a late-summer crop for harvest in the fall.

We hope we have given you a better idea of what to start planting in your backyard garden! To get the best harvest possible, you'll want to ensure your backyard garden and pots receive at least eight hours of direct sunlight. Finally, remember that different plants like different temperatures, and choose the best ones to grow for each season!